
Lampi, the only marine national park in Myanmar, protects a rich biodiversity with over 1000 species recorded and many globally protected species such as the plain-pouched hornbill, Wallace’s hawk eagle, Loggerhead and Green turtles, the Sunda Pangolin and the Dugong.

How can I travel to Lampi?

You can reach Lampi either from Myanmar or from Thailand.
From Myanmar you can take a local flight from Yangon to Kawthaung (duration approx. 3 hours, with stops in Dawei or Myeik.. Cost is approx. US$250-300).
At Kawthaung you will embark on your pre-booked tourist boat that will take you to Lampi.
From Thailand you can enter Myanmar at the Ranong border point in a long-tailed boat that will take you to Kawthaung (duration approx. 15 minutes, cost is approx. 250 Thai baht).

What visa and permits are required to access Lampi?

You will need a valid tourist visa for Myanmar. You can organise an eVisa (visa on arrival) before you travel to Myanmar at http://evisa.moip.gov.mm or by contacting the Myanmar Embassy in your home country. Your travel agent can also help arrange your visa.
In order to access Lampi, special permits need to be arranged for you by a tour agent. You should book your tour through a licensed liveaboard tour operator at least 2 weeks in advance in order to obtain the travel authorisation in time for your trip.

What is the currency?

The local currency is the Myanmar kyat. No other currencies are accepted in the Myeik Islands and Lampi Marine National Park.
There is a bank in Kawthaung that has an ATM and can exchange currency – including USD to kyat. The bank is located on Bo Gyoke Rd, near the Kawthaung Motel.

What is the best season to visit Lampi?

The best season to visit Lampi park is from October to May during the dry season.
From December to March it is high season, with pleasant northeast winds, hot and sunny weather during the day and cool temperatures overnight. This is a great time of year for sailing and fishing.
Between April and May it is very hot, with no wind. There is great diving and you can see migratory whales.
From June to September the park is effectively closed, with heavy rain, strong winds, rough seas and hurricanes.
Occasional showers can still occur in October and November.

What language do people speak?

Most local people only speak Myanmar.

What are the accommodations options in Lampi?

At present the accommodation for tourists in Lampi Marine National Park is limited to liveaboard boats.

Are there any health considerations?

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that most travellers to Myanmar receive the Hepatitis A and Typhoid vaccines before travelling, and suggest travellers consider Malaria prevention, Rabies vaccine, Japanese encephalitis vaccine and Hepatitis B vaccine.
There is no risk of Yellow Fever in Myanmar, but the government will require proof of vaccine if you are arriving from a country with risk of Yellow Fever virus transmission, such as from parts of Africa, Central and South America. Visit: wwwnc.cdc.gov for more information.